Terry Rippa Presents
Sleazy Bar Party 2011
Sokol Hall - August 20, 2011





Jill & Jills

From the second Jill & Jill performance ...
per request, Jasmine's partner has requested picture removal ...
so ... I cropped her out of them and left "Just Jasmine."

Jasmine picking up after herself...

Jack & Jacks

Sleaziest Man

Sleaziest Lady

Horsing Around Between Events

Sexiest Man (which of course I win for the third time, as God intended. Haha !)

Sexiest Lady

Vicki (Sleaziest Gal) and Me (Sexiest Man, I don't know if I mentioned that before)
Holding our fabulous Trophies

Jasmine and Trish Compare Assets

There's just never enough photos of Jasmine .... Hahahaha (to Quote Jasmine)